
Showing posts from August, 2015
90% loading..........   Rock City Slam 2015 (ABEOKUTA GOT TALENT) All genres of creativity/skills  - Music, dance, drama, comedy etc It's not just a concert!!! It's beyond music, it's about the hope, empowerment and movement. It's Abeokuta got talent season 1....from ZERO to HERO. don't miss out!!! For enquiries, participation & sponsorship call 08081921010, 07035284233, whatsapp 09020343026 ​ GOOD NEWS!! We selecting 50 people randomly on craft training (photography, make-up artisty, show making, soap making and beads making) Please be part of the great insight.... ​ For enquiries, participation & sponsorship call 08081921010, 07035284233, whatsapp 09020343026